The Self Education of Hazel T. Cat

The Self Education of Hazel T. Cat There are four cats in our house between my fiance and myself. This was not entirely on purpose. Any owner of multiple cats understands. There’s a sort of accumulation that sneaks up on you. Though our orange cat, a particularly orange cat in the annals of cat behavior, […]

The Future of America As Seen in Some Dungeon in Norrath

Hey friends! As threatened, I’ve decided to keep blogging. Probably an insane point in American current events to start doing that, but maybe a more necessary time to keep record of my thoughts than any of the End of Histories I was told I was growing up in. Ultimately, this felt like a better use […]

Website Overhaul and Backwood Folk 2025

WEBSITE OVERHAUL AND BACKWOOD FOLK IN 2025 Howdy friends and readers, weird times. Get sick of saying that, bet everyone gets sick of hearing it too. Afraid as always it’s a longer haul than anyone cares for. I’ll probably be blaring the Dead Flag Blues on repeat like I have the last year and change. […]

One Hell of a Night

ONE HELL OF A NIGHT I can’t express how grateful I am to all of y’all for showing up at Pearl’s Books on December 4th for our little night of ghosts stories and folk music. I’ve mused about it before (but never on this blog, so get ready for a rerun) but a lot of […]

The First Month!

THE FIRST MONTH This has certainly been the most wild month I’ve had in years. I don’t have too many comic updates just some pictures, links, and requisite tangents. Spa-Con Infinity was a blast this year. I’ve been attending Hot Springs’ Con since 2017 (spare a covid year or two)and always have had a blast. […]